Work with Me
In the words of the famous Jerry you; why and how you might ask
I’m Artsy Chow Roamer, a full-time blogger and freelance writer based in the major metropolitan market of Atlanta, Georgia. I help curious people find adventures in my three areas of expertise; art, food & travel.
From my passion I built a tribe of like-minded people. People who are curious and want their adventures with a little humor and a pinch of quirky.
Savvy experience seekers now look to social media, blog posts and articles to make their plans. My blog is geared towards both men and women aged 35-65 both nationally and internationally. My most engaged social media followers are of the same persuasion.
Blogger and writer based in Atlanta for over twenty years
Lived and traveled around 37 different countries in Europe, Canada, Central, North & South America and the Caribbean
Column in a local newspaper called The Curious Corner with a readership of 22,000
A quarterly newsletter called, The Quirky Tourist, written and curated by me
A mix of influential guest bloggers posting on my blog
Past owner and operator of businesses in design, art and food; extensive focus on cooking techniques along with bread baking, pasta making and home canning
Contacts in the industries I write about locally and abroad
Former Board Member for business associations in a community art district and a local theater group
Since the launch of my blog, I have enjoyed steady month to month growth with an engaged following; building trust and confidence from the industries I write about and my readers.
I have a presence on the social channels of You Tube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest with loyal followers who are engaged. I have received emails from readers saying they have been directly influenced by my content and are on their own curious adventures because of it.
I have a bucket list and there are so many things left on it that I want to share with my readers; be a creator for, have fun with, inspire and educate my tribe. I hope you want to be a part of that.
PRESS TRIPS: All inclusive coverage highlighting a destination, property or tour across my blog and social media channels. Thoughtful content, photography and videos.
SPONSORED POSTS: My specialty is developing creative content for brands and destinations that highlights what makes your offering a great one.
PRODUCT REVIEWS: Got a product you think my readers need to know about? I offer authentic, creative and honest reviews on a range of goods and services to help my readers make more informed buying decisions.
FREELANCE WRITING: Trouble finding your words? I have experience writing on a variety of subjects including: art, dance, theater, food, recipes, restaurant reviews, local, regional, national and international travel as well as interior design and lifestyle.
“Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.” – Anthony Bourdain
“Artsy Chow Roamer brings a unique perspective to writing about art; introducing readers and collectors to artists with a wide variety of aesthetic points of view. From the galleries that curate, show and promote the artists work to the interested and thoughtful collectors who purchase, there’s always going to be something of value to read from her.”
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”― Mark Twain
If you would like to partner with me please get in touch by emailing me at
150 wpm 💻 Style sensei 🎩 King of bark 😎 Sipper of pawtinis 🍸