Secrets to Raising your Emotional Awareness
Author: ArtsyChowRoamer
Becoming More Aware
In the course of sharing with my readers, I am going through the process of raising my emotional awareness. I’m told this is a good thing to do as it helps you to have more transparency without the dreaded “too much information” label. In this post we’re going to explore some of things you can do.
I took a test called the MBTI (short for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) which is based on the work of the famous psychiatrist Carl Jung. If you don’t know about this I suggest you use your google machine and take the test. After answering a series of questions, I discovered that I am an ENFP; one of sixteen different personality types. So what does this mean you ask?
The first category tells you if you are an introvert or extrovert in how you interact with your surroundings (Hence the E-which is true for me). The second category determines how you see the world and process information; observant vs intuition. (Hence the N for intuition-mostly true although I can occasionally be smack on observant! Just sayin…) 😀
The third category determines how you make decisions and cope with emotions; thinking vs feeling which got me an F! 🤣 I actually believe I am little of both but a few neutral answers may have tipped the scales. The last category reflects your approach to work, planning and decision making; judging or prospecting which got me the P.
That puts me under the sub-category called “The Champion”. Other more famous ENFP’s are Sandra Bullock, Robin Williams, Mark Twain and Bob Dylan. Not bad company right?
Approximately 7% of the population are in this category. Personality traits include being charming, the life of the party, making social and emotional connections, and being a true free spirit.
We are fiercely independent, energetic and compassionate. We tend to see the world as one big complex puzzle that is connected. Rather then security and stability, we tend to crave freedom and creativity.
If ENFP’s find a cause that sparks their imagination, the energy they will bring to it can often thrust them into the spotlight as a leader or guru; a situation they may or may not want to be in.
Our self-esteem comes from the ability to come up with original solutions and have the freedom to be allowed to do so. We can quickly become impatient when trapped in a boring role or job.
We know how to have fun and relax and are perfectly capable of switching from a passionate, driven idealist in the workplace to an enthusiastic free spirit on the dance floor. We have to be careful though because ENFP’s are emotional and sensitive.
If they rely too much on intuition and assume or anticipate too much about motivations they can misread signals. But when they finally do find their place in the world, their imagination, empathy and courage are likely to produce incredible results.
How does knowing what your personality type is help you in raising your emotional intelligence? In my opinion knowing more about yourself helps you to understand how you navigate in the world and how that both hurts you and helps you.
Helps you from the standpoint of what you are doing right that is bringing you the things in life that keep you happy and feeling fulfilled. Hurts you from the standpoint of the things you need to work on in order to make the former happen or improve it for yourself.
Improving your emotional awareness will make you a more observant person. You will notice more about what is going on around you and what people are doing and saying directly and indirectly. This in turn will affect the decisions you make about your life; hopefully better ones.
Turns out for a writer and blogger like me (or you) this also makes you a better and more interesting writer. It reads more honestly and helps you to admit your mistakes and be more human as opposed to being all about your brand.
You see, I want to improve because I want to be good for you, Constant Reader. I want you to be my biggest fans and I want to be a part of your tribe. I want you to see value in my blogs and want to read more because you are curious.
Also it turns out knowing your personality type will give you HUGE (read Bernie Saunders here) insight into what type of work you ought to be doing and who you should be doing it with. I have made some mistakes in that area of my life in the last few years or so.
You might want to read more about that on my blogs, Secrets to Choices for a Happier Life or How to Unlock the Creative in You. Don’t miss them and hey, don’t be a stranger! Let me hear from you on whether this post helped you or not and what your struggles are in life. Until next time…
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TO MY READERS: This post was updated with upgraded content for you on 4/13/2020
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