3 Things you Need to Know before Voting!
Author: ArtsyChowRoamer
This is the question of the day isn’t it? Does anything even matter anymore? Well of course things do but which ones to you? Your neighbor? Your friends? People you thought you knew? Turns out it is not the easiest question to answer for some.
I have watched the latest political “pro wrestling match” (probably one of the first reality shows who played the watchers for stupid by it not being real) in somewhat of a mix between two states of being: horrified on the one and not surprised on the other.
Horrified by what we have become and what we will accept from our leaders and not surprised by the hate and vitriol that still seems to be out there in the world (we aren’t the only ones putting authoritarian figures in office).
It has all saddened and depressed me on some days and strengthened my resolve and determination on others. Turns out I am not the only one who apparently feels this way. Now for those of you who know me, I am more than a little out spoken about politics.
I would like to say that it wasn’t always that way but I would be lyin’ (just a lil’ tiny bit). I also made myself a promise that I wasn’t going to talk about politics on any of my social media platforms or blog. But I am told that in order to be seen as authentic and true to you…you have to share and you have to be you.
So when I have had political discussions with people of the opposite view they usually discern pretty quickly where I stand on things; leading them to say things like “So I guess you are one of those god forbid socialist Democrats”? (Well aren’t you the clever one to see through the subterfuge!) 🤣
My usual response to this is “No….what I really am is a Birkenstock wearing, tree hugging, anti-gun, pro-choice, ACLU card carrying, social program lover, European progressive, bleeding heart liberal”! I think that about covers it….is that weird?
After all, Dirty Harry said “A man’s gotta know what his limitations are”. Well this gal certainly does. This is where we are in the coming days of the count down to what is probably one of the most important elections in our democratic history short as that may have been so far. What will you put up with? Does anything even matter anymore? Are we better than this?
The answers to those three questions are very important; reflect on and think about how you really feel and then you should go out and pull the lever accordingly. Not with a hand holding your nose but because you know what is right in your heart (and what that might tell you about yourself).
I am not a professor and do not pretend to tell you how to do things. If you are still reading this than you get it. Elections matter. I know my answers to those three questions; I will not put up with what is happening, everything matters and I most definitely am better than this craziness. So how ‘bout you?
Yep! I getta vote! You getta vote! Use it wisely but use it! Voting is not only your civic duty but a responsibility for using your voice to help build our democracy in the Republic.
You might want to read John Pavlovitz whose blog is Stuff that Needs to be Said. He has some interesting views on how not to be a jerk and how to have some empathy for each other. I hope you like it and learn something from it-I did.
This is my truth and I’m stickin’ to it! You might want to read some additional blogs under Just Because. You never know what might turn up there and hey, don’t be a stranger. Tell me how you feel about things and what you want to read about here OK? Until next time…
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