New Years 2020
New Years 2020
If you’re like me it seems the years are flying by but didn’t 2020 go at a snails pace? I mean with this pandemic and quarantining it felt like this horrible year was going to last forever! 😒🤬
Personally I have never been so glad to say “Bye Felecia” to a year or a President as 2020. I have never been as glad to welcome a year and a President as 2021.
Well I might have been as glad in 2008. But saying goodbye to Bush didn’t feel nearly as good as this years goodbye. I feel positively giddy with the goodbye this year.
I am still waiting to see how the Senate race plays out in my home state of Georgia. I would love to say “Bye Felecia” to two more pains in the ass and finally have a Senate that might get something done instead of sitting on virtually everything that doesn’t help the rich get richer.
If we could just turn a new page in the Senate as well as the White House I would honestly have a feeling of hope again for the first time in four years. With vaccinations coming our way I honestly feel like I might get to travel outside my own home, state and country in 2021!
The whole world could be my oyster again if I could just get my shots and my country back all in the same year! Now that is something to make a toast to this Thursday evening isn’t it? To 2021; the year of the vaccine, normalcy and news about something other then cray-cray reality TV world.
So….have you thought about any resolutions for this year or maybe some evolutions as I like to say instead?
I used to make New Years resolutions every year. I would mull over what I thought I had not been doing right and what I should be doing differently (hint: this year might involve getting off the quarantine 10 plus the cray-cray 10). I’m not alone apparently. According to surveys around 30% of people do the same thing.
But where did this whole New Years thing come from? The ancient Babylonians had the first recorded celebrations but they happened in March to coincide with the planting season. There were promises to repay the gods and give respect to the King and so forth.
The Egyptians also celebrated by making sacrifices to the gods. Then Julius Caesar changed the calendar making January 1st the first day of the year and the Romans began making their own sacrifices and promises of better behavior in the coming year.
I too have struck bargains and set out to do better; cause that’s what we all want right? I would do well for awhile and then I would slide back into old habits. Do you or am I the only one? Does it bother you? Is it bad that it has quit bothering me? 😬
I mean I still sit down and think about resolutions but maybe that’s why the process is doomed to fail. Resolutions sounds so ominous and got to do right? What I am going to do this year is to think about my life and goals all around in a big picture way and not just try to fix specific things.
Have you set your goals for this year? Are you thinking about what it would take to make you happier and/or healthier?
Are you clear eyed on how to get there or are you still thinkin’ it through? Don’t worry cause you are no different than the rest of us!
This year involves so much more then previous years since we have been dealing with a pandemic. It has or should have made us a lot more thoughtful about what is important and what it would take to make us happier and healthier.
This coming year we know we have to get our shots and continue to use good hygiene with masks, washing our hands and socially distancing until enough people have received theirs too. We have to do this to honor and respect our elderly, the sick and our friends and neighbors as well.
As I said I have rethought New Years resolutions. They should really be called New Years evolutions. Meaning that we should sit down and write out what we want, where we’re going and how we want to get there.
If you read some of my earlier blogs (if not-start here) you know that I am an ENFP personality type. It’s a real thing-look it up. I do what is called morning pages; an exercise I read about in a book by Julia Cameron called The Artists Way.
Morning pages helps you solidify ideas, think things through, isolate your feelings and become more in touch with them. Writing things down has a way of making them come true.
There are all kinds of examples of this phenomena. Like the time the actor, Jim Carrey, wrote out a check to himself for a million dollars and put it in his wallet. Within two years, the check was coming to him for real.
It is why people construct vision boards and look at them every day. The pictures are like writing it down.
In other words, building it and looking at it every day is just like writing it down. What you talk about, write about and look at every day is what you are telling the universe to send your way.
It works in the negative too. I know more then a few examples of the speakers of negative that seem to get exactly what they ask for over and over without understanding why.
The energy you put out is the energy you get back. A simple concept and one that I am going to practice rather than making more New Years resolutions. Have I stopped worrying about things? No.
But I am trying to be more like my old friend Shelby; “Worry the hell out of it on Thursdays from 2-4 and then just go on about your business” which I think is very good advise.
I am trying to evolve into a better doer and less of a whiner; more of a go getter and less of a hand wringer especially if it’s something I have no control over. Don’t get me wrong-I have always been a hard worker but I am going to focus that hard work in a lot better way.
I am going to write down just five things that I want the universe to send to me in 2021. I am also going to pen my plan for how to get those five things to happen and stick to it!
I am going to make an effort to stay in touch in a better way with friends and family. The one thing we should all be taking away from this pandemic is just how good those connections are. You take them for granted until you can’t see the important people in your life-then you know just how much they mean.
I hope this post gives you a few things to think about and some helpful tips. New Years can be stressful. Especially if you feel compelled to make resolutions that you might have trouble keeping.
Putting your hopes and dreams down in writing with small achievable steps to help you get there is a great way to start a change in your life. You are evolving instead of resolving and that’s a good thing.
Evolutions seem like the better course of action. It makes me feel more empowered about my future. How about you? Try morning pages to get a start on changing your life in 2021.
If you like what you read, you might also want to read more blogs under Just Because. Hey, don’t be a stranger! What are your plans for 2021? Happy New Year Constant Reader! Until next time…
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